supermommy - Just A Mommy Minute Ideas in Just a Minute Tue, 25 Jul 2023 20:25:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 supermommy - Just A Mommy Minute 32 32 214674884 How to Encourage Gratitude in your Kids Wed, 02 Nov 2022 17:12:56 +0000 November is one of my favorite months! The stress of Halloween costumes is over, but the stress of Christmas shopping is still weeks away. The major holiday of the month...

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The post How to Encourage Gratitude in your Kids appeared first on Just A Mommy Minute.

November is one of my favorite months! The stress of Halloween costumes is over, but the stress of Christmas shopping is still weeks away. The major holiday of the month is focused on FOOD, and we are reminded to be more thankful. I try to live my life being grateful for the things I have, but sometimes I think we fall into ruts of taking things for granted. I have been making an extra effort this year to be more grateful and I am trying to help my kids have an attitude of gratitude as well.

Happy Thanksgiving

First, in order to encourage your children to show more gratitude, you need to work on yourself. Here are a few ideas for parents/adults:

  1. Keep a notebook by your bed and write down one thing you are grateful for each night. It becomes really fun to look back on (especially on a “down” day) and see all the things you have been blessed with.
  2. Make sure you express your gratitude to others. I am a “Words of Affirmation” person, so when someone specifically thanks me for something I did, it makes my whole day. What a simple way to make someone else feel special. Thank your server at a restaurant, the cashier, a teacher, coworker, or friend. Thank your boss, a neighbor, or even a stranger.
  3. Tell your kids you are thankful for them. This goes along with number 2, but focusing on your kids. I think, too often, our kids overhear our complaints or frustrations about them. They need to hear positives from you and you will be surprised at their change in behavior.
  4. In moments when you are feeling down, take a minute and list 10 things that are good for you. This simple shift in mindset will help you re-train your brain to realize that the good outweighs the bad.

Ok! Now to help our kids develop a Thankful and Grateful attitude. This can be tricky, because you can’t control how someone else feels or reacts. Our kids have their own personalities, but these things might help!

  1. Be an example! Kids learn a lot of behaviors from watching their parents. I will always remember the first time my first daughter said, “Good grief!” and I realized that I said that WAY too often. Funny, yes, but not something I would want her to say often. Instead, let’s make “Thank you” and “Please” and general manners be our go-to.
  2. Talk to them about it. Do you remember your parents ever saying, “Be grateful you have food. There are people in *whatever country* that don’t have anything to eat.”? Well, we don’t need to go to the extreme, but our kids need to be taught or reminded that they are blessed and lucky to have certain things.
  3. Make a “Thankful Tree”. This is one of my kids favorite traditions each year. We make a BIG tree on the wall and they each get to add a leaf with something they are thankful for each day. By the time we make it to Thanksgiving, our tree is loaded!
  4. Have a secret with each kid to do random kindness for each other. I like to pull each of my kids aside privately and assign them a certain sibling to be nice to for the day. Then, it is super fun to talk to them at bedtime and see what they did for each other that day.
  5. Create habits. There was a good period of time when my kids complained EVERY time I put food on the table. Somebody always had an opinion of what they didn’t like and what they didn’t want to eat. I quickly grew tired of that, so we made a new rule/habit that you didn’t have to like it, but you did have to tell mom “Thank you!” I now get 5 little voices saying, “Thanks for the food, mom,” EVERY time I give them food. It makes me feel a whole lot happier to make dinner day after day when I know that they will be grateful for it.

*Here come my affiliates (links to products where I gain a small commission if you choose to buy something, at no extra cost to you)!

Here are a few products that I have used to encourage gratitude in my home!

Leaf Stamps–These make a fun craft project. Kids can make their own personal “Thankful Trees”. Don’t forget the stamp pads and good paper.

Butcher Paper–Do yourself a favor and BUY yourself a roll of white butcher paper. We use ours all the time it is going to get its own blog post soon. But, this is what we use for our Thankful Tree. You can make it as tall as you want/need. (Also use for table covers during art projects, etc).

Construction Paper–Make leaves for the Thankful Tree, or make Turkey Hats. So many Thanksgiving crafts can be made with construction paper. We never have enough!

Thanksgiving Craft Kits–Amazon has SO many cute craft kits. They come in bundled packages, so you don’t have to gather your own supplies. I love this Create a Turkey Sticker set and these Turkey Ornaments and these Scarecrow Head Magnets. Crafts always get me in a festive spirit, and then can act as a reminder of Thankfulness every time you see them displayed around your house!



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First Canning of the Season Tue, 30 Aug 2022 02:15:46 +0000 Our garden struggled this year. Too many weeds. Not the right drainage. Pesky bugs. We have managed to harvest quite a bit, still, and we finally get to start preserving...

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The post First Canning of the Season appeared first on Just A Mommy Minute.

Our garden struggled this year. Too many weeds. Not the right drainage. Pesky bugs. We have managed to harvest quite a bit, still, and we finally get to start preserving our food! It definitely is not a money saving way to get food. The man-hours I’ve spent weeding far exceed the cost of buying produce from the local grocery store or farmer’s market. However, the satisfaction of being semi-self-sufficient and providing food from my own yard is priceless.

Everything you need to start canning

*this post contains affiliate links that give me a small commission if you buy something, at no additional cost to you.

1. Camp Chef–We have a glass top stove, which is not recommended to use for pressure canning. We bought this Camp Chef for doing our canning in the backyard. It also saves the hour of heat in my kitchen (during August) to process each batch of cans!

2. Pressure Canner–A pressure canner is necessary if you want to do vegetables or meats. We have one similar to this, but there are many different options on Amazon. If you are only interested in processing fruits, a water bath canner is all you need.

3. Canning jars–You will need glass canning jars in whatever size you prefer. I prefer using pint jars the best for most of my vegetables, because one jar of green beans works for my family for dinner. I will often use quart size for peaches or spaghetti sauce, but even then, I still like pint and can choose if I want to open one or two for that particular meal.

4. More canning lids–Most of the jars you buy will come with a lid and ring. This will work the first time you can something. Once a lid has been used to seal the jar, it shouldn’t be reused. After eating your preserved food, you can use the jar and ring again, but you’ll want to use fresh lids every time to ensure a good and safe seal.

That’s it!! That’s all you need to get started on your canning journey. I follow my specific pressure canners manual for tips, recipes, and processing pressure/length. Other than that, you are good to go. Happy Canning!


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20 Cheap or Free Dates to do with Kids Tue, 26 Jul 2022 05:45:03 +0000 Our family is trying to implement a rotating system of one-on-one dates with each kid. We picked Thursday evenings, and we typically have ~1 hour to spend on any particular...

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The post 20 Cheap or Free Dates to do with Kids appeared first on Just A Mommy Minute.


Our family is trying to implement a rotating system of one-on-one dates with each kid. We picked Thursday evenings, and we typically have ~1 hour to spend on any particular activity. Each week, we draw a date idea out of a jar. It eliminates the decision making.

Our kids certainly look forward to their turn each month and love to have special time with one parent. Here are some of our cheap or free date ideas that we’ve loved doing with our kids:

  1. Color a picture together
  2. Play a board game
  3. Go to a park
  4. Play with a ball (soccer, catch, bocce, croquet, volleyball, etc.)
  5. Go on a bike ride
  6. Take a walk/hike
  7. Create art with nature (rocks and sticks)
  8. Go out for ice cream
  9. Check out your local library together. Choose a book for each other.
  10. Teach each other something, or work on a project together.
  11. Dance to your favorite music
  12. Play a video game
  13. Do each other’s hair/paint nails/spa day
  14. Build a LEGO set together (affiliate link)
  15. Read stories
  16. Bake cookies
  17. Put on a fashion show (with commentary)
  18. Browse a toy store with no intention of buying anything
  19. Look at the animals at a pet store
  20. Grab a donut and chat about life

What are your favorite ways to get to know your kids one-on-one?

Happy Dating!


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5 Favorite Games for Kids Mon, 18 Jul 2022 17:19:29 +0000 Favorite Family Games

The post 5 Favorite Games for Kids first appeared on Just A Mommy Minute.

The post 5 Favorite Games for Kids appeared first on Just A Mommy Minute.

This post contains affiliate links that give me a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Lately, I have been spending a lot of time trying to clean and organize my house and work in the yard. My kids are great to help out a lot, but I know it’s not that much fun for them because, let’s face it, it’s not that much fun for me! I decided that I would make sure to at least play one game with them every day. Here are our top 5 favorite games right now.

  1. The Bears and the Bees

I just got this game for my birthday last month. It took me a few weeks to decide to open it and figure out the instructions (I’d much rather have someone teach me a game than read the instructions). It became a quick favorite. I ask my kids to play it with me every day. Definitely great for age 7+, but my 4 year old likes to sit with me and help me match colors as well. It has hexagon-shaped cards that you match by color to create a game board. Strategize by giving cards to other players, and try to find places where you can play again to go out first. Very simple to learn, quick to play, and fun!

2. Cover Your A$$ets

Another Grandpa Beck’s game. This is another family favorite. I like that this game works for 6 players. It also says 7+, but my 6 year old had no problems playing, and my 4 year old can play with verbal assistance. It is a game of card matching, and stealing from other players to build your deck of a$$ets. Again, quick to learn, easy to play, not overly complicated, and a pretty fast game.

3. Kingdomino

Build your kingdom with domino-like cardboard tiles. 2-4 players. Recommended ages 8+ (but again, it can be enjoyed and played by speaking instructions/suggestions to younger kids). We love that there is a bit of subtle strategy, and that the game is different every time it is played.

4. Blokus

This game needs 4 players unless you get a separate board that facilitates 2 players. I love to visualize the pieces and how they will fit, but then be blocked off and have to find a new route. My kids usually like to compete for second place, because I always win…..but I completely LOST yesterday. 4th place out of 4. Fun and simple, with simple strategy and good geometric visualization. Ages 5+. 2-4 players, but best with 4 on this normal board.

5. 5 Crowns

Ages 8+, and says 1-7 players. This is another fun card game that is played through 11 rounds. The first round starts with 3 cards, and then each round gains 1 card until you reach 13 (or King). Match card in sets or runs, similar to Phase 10, but everyone stays on the same round and progresses together. First to get all their cards into sets and runs goes down, everyone else has one last chance to get anything put down.

What games do you like to play with your kids right now? We’re always up to try something new!

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Fun Handprint Craft for Kids Mon, 11 Jul 2022 18:40:03 +0000 This post contains affiliate links, which give me a small commission if you decide to buy something at no additional cost to you. These fun handprint crafts were a big...

The post Fun Handprint Craft for Kids first appeared on Just A Mommy Minute.

The post Fun Handprint Craft for Kids appeared first on Just A Mommy Minute.

This post contains affiliate links, which give me a small commission if you decide to buy something at no additional cost to you.

handprint craft
animals out of handprints

These fun handprint crafts were a big hit at a recent toddler activity I did. We chose dinosaurs for the boys and flamingos for the girls. Super fun! If you want more child involvement, they could paint the canvas a background color first. I decided to just do the handprint this time.

A flat 5×7 canvas fit the hands of children ranging from ages 20 months to 6 years (check/space their hand before painting, so you do have enough space)!

I use regular acrylic craft paint like these.

Normally, on projects like this, I just use Sharpie markers to finish off the detailing. This time, I remembered I had these awesome paint markers. It made the orange flamingo legs super cute, and I like how it turned out!

Happy Crafting!


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Welcome, fellow moms! Wed, 08 Jun 2022 20:41:19 +0000 How many times a day do you tell your kids “Just a Minute?” How many times is your “minute” actually 60 seconds or less? My “mommy minute” can be anywhere...

The post Welcome, fellow moms! first appeared on Just A Mommy Minute.

The post Welcome, fellow moms! appeared first on Just A Mommy Minute.

How many times a day do you tell your kids “Just a Minute?”

How many times is your “minute” actually 60 seconds or less? My “mommy minute” can be anywhere from 30 seconds to forgetting about it until they ask me again. Oops!

Maybe they asked for a snack, or wanted more screen time, or need you to watch a cool trick. Are they bored? Do they need a new idea? What household supplies can be turned into a project?

Well, I’m here to help. I know the mom guilt of brushing off your child’s request a time or two…..or five. I want this to be your go-to location for all sorts of kid ideas that can be found in “Just a Mommy Minute.” Posts will be concise, ideas straight-forward, and hopefully you can quickly get back to enjoying your time with your kids (or send them off with a fun distraction that may give you enough time to use the bathroom in peace)!

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