About Me

About Me

Welcome, friends!

I'm Kristen Christensen.

Mom to 5 daughters.

Wife to my sweetheart husband, Alex.

Doer of many things.

I tell people that I am a "Jack of all trades, master of none." I enjoy cooking/baking, crafts, adventure, scrapbooking, writing, reading, drawing, organizing, games, travel, music, and more.

Years ago I got my degree in Elementary Education in the hopes of being able to help my future children get a good foundation throughout their Elementary school years. Turns out....I became their teacher and we have enjoyed figuring out homeschool together. I'm always on the lookout for ways to help make learning fun, give my kids a variety of experiences, and keep my sanity in the process!

Here at Just a Mommy Minute, I want to share my ideas with other moms like you. I hope you will build deeper relationships with your children through learning and fun!

Happy Browsing!


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